Have recent world events made you nervous about the future? If so, I know how you feel. I felt that way too. But now I have a lot of hope for the future, and I’d like to share how that came about. Maybe it will you give you ideas as well.

In June 2019, I started writing a dystopian novel about a future where there is no gender and no race and a global government that micromanages everything from your career to your friendships to your clothes.

Then, I set the manuscript aside to work on the Spirit-Led Business book and Masterclass. Once I had those done, I kept feeling like I was supposed to write the novel, but couldn’t stomach imagining a reality none of us wants to happen!

As the world got crazy, the more concerned I became about my grandchildren and posterity. At times I felt incredibly hopeless about the future.

I snapped myself out of these bouts of hopelessness by focusing on Christ, because He keeps me calm and gives me hope. I’ve also been studying the signs of the times. Long story short, I pulled the novel back out and started working on it a couple months ago.

All of the craziness in the world actually helped me create one of the most hopeful, gloriously happy endings to a dystopian novel that I’ve ever seen. I was able to incorporate ideas from the Book of Revelation and other prophetic Scripture. I felt totally inspired in the way it came together. While the first half is a dystopian novel, the last half is a Christian/Millennial novel.

Z: A Dystopian Millennium Novel

Because I was so aware of how our words and emotions create our reality, I made a safe haven in the story … a place the main characters run to … that is our property. Sixty years into the future, our grandchildren and great nieces and great nephews are here, staying faithful to God and prepared for Christ’s coming.

I basically created a novel that lets the world get crazy but offers a place of safety and happiness for my posterity and others who are led to it.

I have had more fun writing this novel than any other I’ve ever written. I get giddy thinking about it. I love it because it’s given me hope for the future — hope that my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews will live in freedom, happiness and peace.

I barely released the book yesterday, but the pre-press readers have told me “Z” gives them hope and ideas for creating their own safe and happy futures for themselves and their families. With Christ at the center of our lives, we CAN have peace when the world is crazy. What is your plan for doing that? That is what this novel explores.

I hope you’ll check it out. Or if you know anyone else who would enjoy it, please pass it along. “Z: A Dystopian Millennium Novel” is available on Kindle, in Paperback, and is also on Kindle Unlimited.

I also started a Facebook group to discuss the concepts in the novel.

Please join us on the journey!

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.