vulnerability in business - passion retreats

Vulnerability in Business

ShareA very successful colleague I’ve known for over a decade admitted via social media the other day that he had a fear of letting people really see him, his personality, his full self, warts-and-all. I never would have guessed this gentleman cared what people thought or that he had a hard time showing vulnerability in …

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.

Bounce back from loss

Thrive Again: 3 Tools to Bounce Back from Devastating Losses

      It’s incredibly easy to get stuck in a downward spiral when you’ve suffered devastating loss or a series of losses. Loss begins to feel normal and begins to become what we expect. Once your mind has gotten stuck in expecting bad things, there seems to be more and more bad things to validate …

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.

What Do You Do When A Dream Dies?

ShareI’ve heard people say “never give up on your dreams” but in my experience dreams change and some dreams we lose or they become obsolete. Perhaps you swap one dream for another because one dream is more important to you than the other. In choosing the better dream, I think it’s important to allow yourself …

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.

Who I Choose to Be

ShareRather Listen than Read? Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 In the Light Bearer process, there is a phase I call “Transparency” that is akin to a caterpillar entering a cocoon and emerging as an …

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.

Finding Peace and Hope Amidst Adversity

ShareOne of my favorite things about live events is meeting new people. I don’t know whether I send out a Light Bearer beacon or what, but I’ve noticed that the most beautiful, talented, good-hearted and genuine individuals come to me. I know there is an immense amount of good in the world (despite evidence to …

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.

bird on a branch

Hold On, the Light Within You Is Still There!

ShareI’ve noticed a pattern among successful women entrepreneurs. It occurs after you’ve been in business a while. You’re going along, doing great. Then, there comes a point when you feel the need to reinvent yourself… – Perhaps the old way you were doing things doesn’t work anymore. – Maybe you’re just burnt out and need …

About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.