Upgrade Your Thoughts for Success!

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Proverbs 23:7

In 2000, I met a woman who changed my life. She taught me the laws of thought – or the universal laws that govern success. Within a month of learning the laws, my income doubled and soon it tripled. Eventually, I went on to make ten times what I had been making when I first met her. The laws Leslie Householder taught me are documented in her book, Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters.

Another important principle Leslie taught me is that even though we might consciously learn how to think, if our subconscious minds believe something different, then the subconscious programming can sabotage our efforts. Throughout our lives we’ve formed beliefs and thought patterns that get stuck down in our subconscious minds. Some of those beliefs and patterns are good and true. Others are false, self-destructive or self-sabotaging.

For example, one of the laws (The Law of Polarity) states that there is an equal and opposite good in every bad situation. You may learn this law, but if your subconscious mind believes, “Things don’t work out for me. I’m not worthy or deserving of good things” then your subconscious will sabotage your efforts to receive good things into your life.

Bottom line, the subconscious is running the show.

So, what do you do if your subconscious has limiting beliefs? You can use visualization and you can use emotionally-charged positive statements (or affirmations) to reprogram the subconscious mind.

Something that has proven extremely helpful and faster for me is using energy work to energetically plug new, healthy beliefs and thought patterns into my subconscious mind.

That’s why I’ve put together my …

upgrade your thoughts for success

Upgrade Your Thoughts for Success Consulting Program

This private mentoring in the laws of thought uses Hidden Treasures as the syllabus combined with SimplyAlign MethodTM energy work. The idea is to teach you the laws of thought and then remove any past trauma, negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs or stuck energy or emotions that are keeping you from being able to live in harmony with the laws. I’ll also be an accountability partner for you so you keep your momentum going … bringing everything I know about the laws, success principles and 30 years of business experience to your goal.

Leslie Householder, Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, Carolyn Cooper

My Background

I have used these laws for two decades and published 30 books (several on these very topics). I was privately tutored by Leslie Householder 20 years ago and became a Certified SimplyAlignTM Practitioner with Carolyn Cooper in 2011. I am a RareFaith™ Genius Bootcamp Facilitator and I have worked with thousands of people on their businesses, their goals and life dreams. I will be your personal guide, helping you utilize these principles and methods to successfully implement your goals and dreams. Note that while I am a RareFaith™ facilitator, this private mentoring is NOT part of Leslie Householder’s official offerings, nor is it endorsed by her.

If there’s something you’d like to achieve and you would like personal mentoring and support from me, this program includes eight one-hour sessions plus access to me between sessions via text, Facebook messenger, or email.

How It Works

First, I recommend you have something you would like to achieve – a goal, a dream or vision for your life or business. You’ll bring this to our sessions, and we will apply the various laws to your objective.

We’ll have two 1-hour sessions per month over the course of four months. You’ll read the appropriate section in Hidden Treasures before each call, and then we will discuss any questions you may have or anything that comes up for you. This will also be a SimplyAlignTM energy-clearing session to release any limiting beliefs, past trauma or stuck energy that could get in the way of you successfully harnessing this law to your benefit and achieving your goal.

Between sessions, there’s no need to get stuck. You’ll have access to me via text, Facebook messenger or email (whatever works best for you).


Session 1: Law of Perpetual Transmutation “Everything is either coming into physical form or going out of it.” * Your ideas are like seeds. When you plant them, they start moving into form. If you get doubtful or fearful and rip them out of the ground, they will never come to fruition. When you set goals, what habits or limiting beliefs sabotage your seeds from bearing fruit? This session will work to release those so you can achieve your goals and dreams.

Session 2: Law of Relativity“Nothing we experience is fundamentally good or bad.” * It’s how we compare it to something else that assigns meaning. How are you using comparisons against yourself? How can you use this law to benefit you? Let’s explore the lens through which you see reality. What meanings are you associating with events that could be reframed and made to work FOR you?

Session 3: Law of Vibration “Everything is in a state of vibration, and that vibration is a medium for transferring signals.” * We attract what we are in harmonious vibration with. If you are not attracting what you want, your vibration is on a different frequency than the thing you desire. With energy work, we can align your vibration with the things you seek.

Session 4: Law of Polarity “Everything has an opposite.” * Within every situation that feels bad, there is an equal and opposite good. Are you finding the good? How do you use this law in your favor? How do you see life realistically so you can receive the good more fully?

Session 5: Law of Rhythm “Nature’s movements are cyclical. There is repetition in everything.” * How can you use the cycles to your benefit? How can you hang on through tough times, knowing that good times are around the corner? If your life feels like a roller coaster of ups and downs, how can you tweak it a bit so that it’s more like a staircase that is always moving you toward your goals and dreams?

Session 6: Law of Cause and Effect “Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. Nothing happens by chance.” * There are things causing the outcomes you like and there are causes for the things you don’t like. Let’s explore what’s going on in your life and see how we can tweak a few things so that you are causing the effects you want.

Session 7: Law of Gestation“Every seed has an incubation period.” * Every thought or idea is like a seed. It has a germination period. There are a few things you can do to expedite the germination period, but for the most part, there is a certain amount of time each seed needs in order to bear fruit. An understanding of this law can help you be more patient, have more faith, and follow through without ripping your seeds out of the ground because they haven’t produced fast enough to suit you. In our session we’ll take a look at anything energetically that has come up for you around this law. For example, you may have some shame, guilt or blame associated with the times your seeds didn’t come to fruition because you didn’t understand this law. We’ll help you release anything that is standing in your way or making you pass judgement on yourself or others.

Session 8: The Vacuum Law of Prosperity “Nature abhors a vacuum.” * If something leaves your life,i you must be conscious about what you allow to come in and take its place. If you want something new and better, you must let something go to make room for it. Let’s take a look at the “losses” of your life and clear any of the negative energy associated with them so you have room for the good you want to receive in its place. We can also take a look at what you’re willing to release in order to receive the new and better you desire.

Is This A Good Fit For You?

Let’s talk and find out if it is! To discuss whether Upgrade Your Thoughts for Success is ideal for you, please book a free 20-minute session with me to discuss your goals.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

This program includes two 50-minute personal sessions each month for 4 months (for a total of 8 sessions). Plus, you may contact me via email, Facebook messenger, or text between sessions with questions or if you’re feeling stuck. My goal is to keep your momentum going! No stalling out.

If we’ve talked and you’re ready to enroll, this program is either $279/month or you may prepay $997 for the full 4-month program (and save $119).

Payments may be made via Visa, Mastercard, Venmo or Paypal. Payment arrangements can be made after we speak by phone and are sure we’re a good fit. Email me at marnie@marniekuhns.com for details.

* Definitions of the laws come from Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters by Leslie Householder. Available as a free download.

Featured Image Copyright: agsandrew / BigstockPhoto.com