As of February 1, 2014, all of my business activities are focusing on supporting Christian Entrepreneurs. This has been met positively by many, but there has been one question raised at least twice… once by a Christian and once by someone who doesn’t consider herself a Christian.
Question: Now that you’re focusing on supporting Christian entrepreneurs does that mean you will ONLY be promoting Christians?
Short answer: NO.
Long answer: There are three objectives to the Light the World Movement:
1. Support Christian entrepreneurs in strengthening their connection with God, themselves and each other so that together we can prepare this planet for Christ’s coming.
2. Build a community of Christian entrepreneurs to network with, learn from and support one another in being the lights we’re here to be.
3. Bring educational resources and tools to Christian entrepreneurs so they can be more successful in their businesses and thus reach more people.
While the language, illustrations and principles I use will be Christian friendly, those who are not Christian can still benefit from what I teach. If they are comfortable with my language, they are always welcome.
I’m focusing on Christian entrepreneurs so I can
- be more myself,
- share from the heart and
- delve deeper into spiritual principles that bring God’s power into our lives and businesses.
When it comes to objective three, I want to make it clear that I will continue to introduce experts to my audience who are NOT Christian.
Why? Let me explain…
In the last 18 years in business, I’ve met the most amazing individuals from diverse beliefs and backgrounds. Some are Christian, others are not. Many of my dearest friends and colleagues would not call themselves Christian. I have learned an immense amount from these people. Priceless treasures of wisdom and practical knowledge have been imparted to me by them. They have stood by my side through thick and thin. They are wonderful people with value to offer. I’m excited to introduce them to my community.
God loves them, and I love them. Someone’s religion or belief system has never been a factor in determining whether I feel the call to befriend, promote or associate with someone. Their value to God, to my audience or to me is not filtered through a sieve of their spiritual beliefs or religious allegiance.
I stand by the motto, “Truth is truth where ever we find it.”
If you’re a mature individual who has learned to search diligently in the Light of Christ to discern truth wherever it may be found, then you will appreciate what I’m offering.
If you’re a Christian entrepreneur who is teachable and open minded you’ll like it here. If you enjoy exploring ideas and philosophies that are outside the box, can glean what rings true, and release what doesn’t, then you’ll enjoy my community.
My Soap Box
We can’t be the light of the world with a basket over our heads. We can’t be the salt of the earth if we stay clumped in our churches.
The entire premise behind the Light the World Movement is to unite good people who are sharing liberating messages with the world. Light Bearers can be from many beliefs and backgrounds. Just because I have decided to focus on assisting Christian entrepreneurs (because I can dive deeper into the power available to us through Christ), does not mean I intend to alienate a large group of individuals who do not consider themselves Christian, but who have value to offer.
Christian entrepreneurs need to know how to create information products, market themselves, write marketing copy, express gratitude, sell, navigate change, learn to be leaders and a myriad of other skills.
Imagine for a moment that I decided to only focus on helping plumbers build their businesses. They need help with accounting, marketing and copywriting. Would everyone I brought to them for educational purposes have to be a plumber? Certainly not!
I have a powerful network of individuals who can help my audience do those things. They are good, honest people who offer value. They are the cream of the crop. They have the right to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences … or not. I claim the same privilege and honor your right to believe as you wish as well.
The heart of my message is that we MUST learn to live by the Spirit. We must let go of anything in ourselves that obstructs it. With the Spirit, truth is obvious.
Not every business idea is one you should implement — even if an expert teaches it. Not every spiritual philosophy is one that you’ll need to implement either. You must let the Spirit guide you toward what is right for you.
I invite the honest in heart, who stand for freedom, love and light to come together in effecting positive change on the planet. With God’s power working through us, this world can be healed…. This is the Light the World Movement and what is all about. If this resonates with you, please join us!
About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns
Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.
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