It’s funny that what some people find romantic, others find boring. Inspired creatives (who are often Potentials in the STEP Into Destiny test) are wired a bit differently than others. I believe our deepest craving is to be understood at a level where our joy resides. Perhaps everyone craves to be understood at this place. The challenge for Potentials is that perhaps only 10% of the population will ever be able to truly “get” what brings us joy. Hence, we’re ever searching, but rarely finding someone who gets us at this core place of joy.
This scene between Dagny Taggart and Hank Rearden in Atlas Shrugged is a classic illustration of a “romantic scene” between Potentials. It may be that you’d need to be a Potential to truly appreciate it though…
Hank Rearden and Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged
They stood at the window, watching silently, intently. She did not speak, until another load of green-blue metal came moving across the sky. Then the first words she said were not about rail, track or an order completed on time. She said, as if greeting a new phenomenon of nature:
“Rearden Metal…”
He noticed that, but said nothing. He glanced at her, then turned back to the window.
“Hank, this is great.”
He said it simply, openly. There was no flattered pleasure in his voice, and no modesty. This, she knew, was a tribute to her, the rarest one person could pay another: the tribute of feeling free to acknowledge one’s own greatness, knowing that it is understood.
She said, “When I think of what that metal can do, what it will make possible…Hank, this is the most important thing happening in the world today, and none of them know it.”
“We know it.”
“They spoke of the metal and of the possibilities which they could not exhaust. It was as if they were standing on a mountain top, seeing a limitless plain below and roads open in all directions. But they merely spoke of mathematical figures, of weights, pressures, resistances, costs.
She had forgotten her brother and his National Alliance. She had forgotten every problem, person and event behind her; they had always been clouded in her sight, to be hurried past, to be brushed aside, never final, never quite real. This was reality, she thought, this sense of clear outlines, of purpose, of lightness, of hope.
This was the way she had expected to live — she had wanted to spend no hour and take no action that would mean less than this.
She looked at him in the exact moment when he turned to look at her. They stood very close to each other. She saw, in his eyes, that he felt as she did. If joy is the aim and core of existence, she thought, and if that which has the power to give one joy is always guarded as one’s deepest secret, then they had seen each other naked in that moment.”
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Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who uses music and creativity to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create, align with, and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live). Marnie is a best-selling author with 31 fiction and nonfiction titles. If you'd like Marnie and her husband Dave to work with you personally on Your Great Reinvention, get a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Marnie here.